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위꾹-생활체육대회 SmartScore 점수판

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위꾹-생활체육대회 SmartScore 점수판
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Editor's Review

Wikuk Score Band is a revolutionary service that transforms your gaming experience by providing a convenient way to record scores during gameplay with a simple press of a button on your smart band. This innovative app not only tracks scores but also offers data analysis services, scoreboard display, notifications for incoming calls and app alerts, and the ability to join and organize games seamlessly. Whether you are playing a friendly match with friends or participating in a competitive club competition, Wikuk Score Band has you covered with its robust features and functionalities.

With the ability to check game progress remotely and even record scores without the score band by linking your smartphone devices, Wikuk Score Band ensures a hassle-free gaming experience. Additionally, the app offers Wear OS device support, making it accessible across various platforms. Say goodbye to manual scorekeeping and hello to effortless score tracking with Wikuk Score Band!


  • Instant score recording with a press of a button

  • Data analysis of scoreboard display for insights

  • Real-time notification alerts for calls and app messages

  • Effortless game organization with Join feature

  • Club competition rankings and winning rate tracking

  • Remote game progress checking with internet live broadcast

  • Cross-device score recording via smartphone linking

  • Support for Wear OS devices


  • Simplified scorekeeping process

  • Comprehensive data analysis for strategic gameplay

  • Convenient notification integration for seamless gaming

  • Enhanced gaming community engagement with Join feature

  • Competitive edge through club competition statistics


  • Dependency on smart band for real-time score recording

  • Limited compatibility with certain smart devices

위꾹-생활체육대회 SmartScore 점수판

위꾹-생활체육대회 SmartScore 점수판

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10K+ Downloads
4+ Age